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This post includes an original song written and recorded by Miter over the past several weeks, visual art and a short essay.
Ascend steeply in herringbone pattern; uniquely repeating on. I’m as soft as silk; white as foam. Stacking two by two, wrecked and prone. If I tell you what I’m talking about, you’ll find out. In the heavens we’ll play along. Hosting hallowed thrills and simple songs. Until we acquiesce there’s no home. Only patterns repeating in sequence; climbing on. If I tell you what I’m talking about, you’ll find out. Let the requisite time unfold for the essence of tears untold. I will offer you green and gold. I will offer you silence.
A Conversation
Why am I feeling frustrated all of the time?
When you are constantly crushed by a system that is designed to crush you, it is rational to feel this way.
Is it my fault?
No. It isn’t your fault. But, I see a pattern.
What pattern?
Again, not your fault, but this seems to happen over and over again.
What do you mean?
Have you considered that you may do things out of habit? The behaviors seem to repeat even though it results in the same outcome. Either you like something about the result, or you’re addicted to how it makes you feel, or you don’t know another way of acting.
Why would I do that to myself?
You’re not doing it to yourself. You’re in a stressful situation. There are many circumstances in your life that are difficult, though not unusual. Your behaviors remain consistent and the days continue to pass. It’s been going on this way for many years and time is now passing at a faster rate. It is an honorable way to act.
But I don’t want to feel this way, what should I do?
You’re not stupid. You are acting in a way that doesn’t harm you or those around you. Many of these circumstances are outside of your control and you understand that to be true. There really isn’t much that you can do. However, I guess you could change your behavior, but there would be consequences. For example, you could stop entering the code, but we know that if we don’t enter the code we will not be asked to return to this station and if we are not asked to return to this station, there isn’t another station that will become available…at least not immediately. I don’t know how much time you have between stations, but it may not be enough.
Do I have agency?
That’s up to you.
Maybe I’ll skip entering the code this one time. It wouldn’t hurt to skip one time. Skipping once per year is acceptable.
Yes, sure, that is acceptable. But, you are still acting within the limitations, so nothing will change.
What if I skipped entry twice, just to push the boundaries a bit.
The boundary is set at one skip. If you skip entering the code twice, the consequences are clear.
Are there any other ways out of this mess?
Resorting to violence will have some effect, but it is immoral and won’t end well for you.
Ok. I’ll try not entering it this once and then I can decide whether to not enter it again. That should be a bit of a rush.
Do whatever you want.
What do you mean?
Do you have any secrets?
What kind of secrets?
The kind that you don’t want me to know about.
Everyone has secrets, sure.
Tell me.
I’d rather not.
Gear Corner
This track was composed on piano, with a primary line that you hear at the beginning and throughout. The root notes constitute the majority of the movement, but I believe it all occurs in one chord. I’m not sure what key it is in. The delayed effect on the piano is the most prominent musical element. There is one additional layered piano part, but there is no real chord change as I perceive it. I record all of my piano sounds on an older Yamaha Clavinova, which is essentially a sample-based instrument. The piano line is looped and quantized (the computer fixes the timing but it also creates an effect). The drums are all “in the box” using Ableton Live. The guitar lines were recorded using my telecaster and blues jr. amp. The bass is recorded directly in (meaning the instrument is plugged directly into the mixer without using an amplifier). The vocals are sung in a low-register, which may be my most proficient range, though not one I like using frequently. The progression was one of those melodies that popped into my head from who knows where—my previous song was actually a failed attempt to follow though on this sequence.
The recording was enabled via computer technology.
If I tell you what I’m talking about, you’ll find out.
Thank you for listening.
Your pal,
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