

Season 1; Episode 3: FACE/OFF

Have you ever risked something for nothing? Some people call this “living life”.

The long-con has, finally, played out.

This episode includes overtly Mitorial content (content from Miter). However, the Miter was inside you the entire time…let me explain how you’ve been bamboozled:

  • The intro song is a Miter track.

  • Much of the interstitial soundtrack is unreleased Miter material.

  • The closing song is Miter.

  • In this episode, I have the audacity to include a Miter video that was first released here and an original sketch that utilizes some strange and edgy tech.

I might have to explain the


This may shock you—but let me be clear—no matter how real this seems, this is not actually Chris Cuomo. This video proves how dangerous deep fake technology can be when put in the wrong hands. Like mine or yours.

This monstrosity was created using DeepFaceLab software, which is totally free and it isn’t toooooo difficult to crack. It took some time and RAM over the holidays. If I can do it, you can do it. Especially, if you don’t care about it looking real.

Maybe the best use of deep fake technology is satire.

Consider doing a deep fake of a close friend or colleague. Schedule a Zoom and tell them that you want to record the Zoom for a podcast you are testing…or something.

From that recording, you’ll have all of the data you need to make a deep fake of your friend saying, “I pooped my pants!” You’ll laugh, your friend will cry. Everyone will be delighted.

Sure, I am poking fun at a few things in this video including: technology, nepotism, men, debates over censorship, talking heads (not the band), Chris Cuomo and RFK Jr. I understand that some of this is political in nature—but if anything—I’m pointing out the absurdity of it all. Please don’t take this piece too seriously, though I’m happy to have a more serious discussion related to these issues on a separate thread.

My toxic trait is that I want people to like me.

CONTEST ALERT! I’ll give a free year-long subscription to Washed Memoir in Real Time to anyone who can name the song that “Chris Cuomo” is quoting in the sketch...just comment below to enter.

Following this sketch—thankfully—is much needed Relief from/by

. There are many amazing musicians publishing and releasing music on Substack along with writing, photographs, art, recommendations, etc.

Minor Fossil is a great one and I always enjoy his well crafted and layered ambient tracks. Relief is no exception. Also, check out the fascinating new Minor Fossil series on the history of instruments.

Another thing that I’ve really enjoyed about connecting with musicians and artists on Substack is the invariable multidimensionality of talent. Writers are artists are musicians are filmmakers are photographers are illustrators are actors are dancers—and everyone is a comedian. It all lends itself to doing something weird and so should you.

Speaking of multidisciplinary artists, I’m lucky to include another piece from Campfire Sparks/Eric Pan (Labelabel artist/co-president). Eric is an artist/musician/filmmaker/writer with incredible talent and inventiveness. This mysterious video with a beautiful and curiously shifting progression offers an invitation…perhaps to an adventure, perhaps a path home. This is the first in his series of Musical Postcards. I featured Number 35 in Salon Du Monde, Fremont, Episode One, so you’ve got some catching-up, or time traveling, to do.

Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water, Jimmy Doom appears again as Delbert Chondroitin. Jimmy is a certified genius—or so I have read. I highly recommend checking out and subscribing to his visceral fiction here.

I’m honored to include work from the prolific and talented

. Jason publishes haiku comics, writing and musings at Weirdo Poetry.

Haiku comics? That’s weird, right? Exactly, it’s wonderfully weird. Not only that, Jason’s writing is inspiring for artists and creatives looking to endure and prosper in the creative life and to “be the weird that they want to see in the world”. This bald eagle comic fits perfectly and you can see more of them here!

Labelabel Artist/Co-president Angel L. Martinez is again featured in this episode with the final segment of his poetic and musical offering, “Non Fungible Tchotchkes”.

Speaking of getting political, this anti-capitalism message states something plainly and profoundly. You may disagree, but it could be true. Along with being a musician, poet and educator, Ángel is a long-term champion of people. Check out and subscribe to Musical Leadership here.

There is special piece in here from multidisciplinary talent,

. After receiving a few scripts from the mysterious Zookie, we came up with some ideas for their presentation. Using her illustrations and voice overs (along with some stock footage and creative editing), “Bimbo’s: Honey and Giggles Get Carried Away.” was born.

I’m often drawn to art that seems just outside of my grasp, either culturally or aesthetically, or intellectually, etc. It’s rewarding to find quality that also expands your own perception, which is how I feel about Zookie’s World. There’s something more to these odd, sometimes serious, mostly humorous stories and dialogues.

Ideally, we’d see some fully illustrated or live action

scripts featured on Salon Du Monde, BBC. Also, perhaps this serves as an example for featuring more creative writing and scripts in the future?

Speaking of the future, my mind goes to this song by British Sea Power:

What does the future hold for Salon Du Monde, Fremont and Washed Memoir in Real Time?


We’ve accomplished the goal of three episodes. I’ll consult with Labelabel Co-Presidents on future ideas/directions.

Contingent on funding, I’d like to try and expand the concept to highlighting artists in local scenes. Think, “Salon Du Monde, Denver, Detroit, D.C., Madison, Santa Fe, NYC, LA, Seattle, Dublin, London, Paris, Berlin, Mumbai, Toronto, Tokyo, Beijing, Lagos, Poughkeepsie, Peoria, Moon Base City, Antarctica, The Sandwich Islands, etc.” Ideally, I’d find folks interested in doing some local curation. If that might be you, let me know, moon person.

Regardless, I’ll continue the “one song a month to change the world” Miter mission. This is my most sustainable path. Remember, it used to be about the music, man.

It will take some time to reboot or restart Salon Du Monde, Fremont. I can’t provide a timeline but I’d still welcome any pitches or ideas and there are many more folks I'd love to showcase.

OH! The actual next thing I’m trying to round-up like a sheep dog: an official Salon Du Monde, Fremont soundtrack, featuring audio from the first three episodes.


Until your water turns into rosemary wine1, my effervescent dragon chasers.


PS. Let’s say that this month’s song is a phone recording cover of Lady Writer by Dire Straits. Perhaps a proper recording in the future?

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